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Follow these simple instructions to help your new tattoo heal the best it can.


♦  Remove Bandage after 2- 5 hours.

♦  Always wash hands before touching your new tattoo.

♦  Wash Tattoo 2-3 times daily with soap and water.

♦  Rinse new tattoo with water & pat dry with a clean towel.

♦  Allow 10-20 minutes to air dry before applying lotion.

♦  Apply a thin layer of unscented lotion or tattoo aftercare lotion.

♦  Clean & Lotion new tattoo 2-5 times daily for 2 weeks.

♦  Do not pick or scratch. Wear clean and loose-fitting clothing.

♦  Do NOT soak in water, pool, or hot tub. Keep out of the sun.

♦  Always apply an SPF 30-50 if you are in prolonged sunlight.

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